When is the last time your company had an external pair of eyes size up the business/operations? We are not referring here to a functional view or a mandatory ISO audit but an assessment of your business/operations as a whole. Unless it has been done in the last one year, chances are you may have missed one or two changes/impacts. In most organizations a lot has happened since the critical processes were originally designed –changes in the market place, changes in people managing the process, changes in resources : raw materials, machines and technology and in some cases changes made to the original process over a period of time. How have these changes impacted some of the assumptions or the original design principles? Are the parts still working in tandem to deliver the desired results? Has an impact assessment of the changes been done? It is critical to have this done as it could help reconfirm the original design principles, validate that the changes made have made the right impact, get a current assessment of the critical processes and help you validate the plans for the future. We at OBTim can help you do this for your critical processes.